New University Hospital Monklands – flash report July 2022

Posted: July 18, 2022

Here’s an update on the latest developments in some of the workstreams for the Monklands Replacement Project (MRP) – our exciting vision for a new University Hospital Monklands at Wester Moffat, Airdrie.

Laura Ireland, workforce lead


Workforce lead Laura Ireland said: “The workforce planning sub-group had further discussion to finalise its terms of reference and heard about development of indicative workforce figures for staff groups.

“Healthcare Improvement Scotland are to assist with the analysis of our recent single patient rooms observation study, which was designed to help us measure workload across all job roles.”

Service Planning

“We have been working with clinical teams and planning colleagues to understand the use of Attend Anywhere video consultations and the opportunities for service improvement,” said redesign assistant Lesley Aitken.

“We’ll be liaising with therapy services to scope the transition to the MRP model. There are also plans to work with pharmacy colleagues on a ‘test of change’ on the storage of medicines.”

Lesley Aitken, redesign assistant


“Work has continued on the digital innovations register, for awareness of new technology opportunities, and the ‘information management security’ workstream is developing its strategy,” explained digital lead Maureen McGinn.

“We will be a key stakeholder in the refresh of NHS Lanarkshire’s digital strategy. There will be further meetings with NHS Scotland Assure – the national service established to assess the quality and management of healthcare construction projects – which is supporting the MRP’s digital ambitions.”

Helen Tomlinson, equipment manager


Equipment manager Helen Tomlinson said: “The equipment sub-group is continuing to update its work plan. We’re also updating the ‘equipment responsibilities matrix’, which is initially focused on specialist equipment.

 “Plans are being developed to look at equipment storage and there will be workshops with NHS Scotland Assure’s equipping colleagues to agree principles and share lessons learned.”

Monklands Enagagement Forum (MEF)

“The MEF, which involves community representatives, set up an action tracker and discussed topics including communications & engagement opportunities,” said communications & engagement officer Bob Smyth.

“The forum will continue to provide feedback as the outline business case develops, including on key issues such as the plans for travel and transport to the new site.”

Bob Smyth

Other News

  • We’re delighted to welcome new team member Alison Bell, who has joined us as PA to project director Graeme Reid.

For full information on the Monklands Replacement Project, including latest updates, visuals, frequently asked questions and previous flash reports, visit the MRP webpage

Flash reports are also included as an infographic in the staff briefing and published on the MRP webpage.

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