Here’s an update on the latest developments in some of the workstreams for the Monklands Replacement Project – our exciting vison for a new University Hospital Monklands at Wester Moffat, Airdrie.
Workforce lead Laura Ireland said: “The workforce planning sub-group discussed its terms of reference, including staff-side representation. There was also discussion of the methodology used to develop indicative workforce figures.
“We’re undertaking an analysis of the information gathered during last month’s single patient rooms observation study, which was designed to help measure workload across all job roles.”
Service Planning
“A further workshop was held about admin & office space, enabling outline business case progression,” said redesign lead Donna McHenry. “Additional work was done for the overall numbers and types of workspace required.
“We’ll liaise with the digital workstream on links to the wider NHS Lanarkshire digital strategy, specifically on the use of check-in kiosks and the specification of an outpatient scheduling system.”
“The ‘digital innovation’ workstream is creating a register to list new systems and technologies emerging, interest from digital suppliers, and the potential for new ways of working,” explained digital lead Maureen McGinn.
“We’ll engage in the refresh of NHS Lanarkshire’s digital strategy – a joint delivery plan will be developed with eHealth to help manage resources and prioritise delivery.”
Infection prevention & control (IPC)
IPC nurse consultant Linda Thomas said: “The first workshop was held for stage 2 of risk management system HAI-SCRIBE (Healthcare Associated Infection System for Controlling Risk in the Built Environment).
“The IPC sub-group will progress the HAI-SCRIBE stage 2 action tracker and planning and scheduling of further stage 2 workshops.”
Soft Landings
Soft landings champion Donna McHenry said: “The delivery plan activities for outline business case are concluded for ‘soft landings’ (aligning interests of those who plan, design, construct hospital with those who operate and use it).
“The soft landings sub-group will start to progress actions in the delivery plan for the full business case stage and continue to develop a ‘lessons learned’ register.”
Other News
- We’re delighted to welcome new team members Eddie McLaughlan, technical & compliance advisor, and Friederike Schafheutle, knowledge services officer.
- Health Secretary Humza Yousaf was among those who heard about the new hospital’s clinical model when we gave a presentation at an NHS event on urgent and unscheduled care.
For full information on the Monklands Replacement Project visit the MRP webpage
Flash reports are also included as an infographic in the staff briefing and published on the MRP webpage.