Snapshot Report
August 2024
MRP Digital Twin Strategy
Maureen McGinn
MRP Digital Lead
What we’ve done
One of our digital aspirations for the new hospital is to have a Digital Twin, which is a 4D virtual model of the physical hospital building, to help us monitor the location of hospital equipment, the building’s energy consumption and give us an opportunity to optimise staff rostering among other benefits. A Digital Twin can be a powerful tool and we are working with our Lead Advisor, Currie & Brown, to produce a Digital Twin Strategy to help us look at ‘the art of the possible’ for the new hospital.
What we’ve got planned
We will be holding focus groups with a wide range of stakeholders next month to further define how staff could make best use of the Digital Twin. You can read more about our aspirations to have a Digital Twin in the new hospital in our latest blog on the MRP website.
MRP Settlement Works
Graeme Reid
Project Director
What we’ve done
Settlement works have begun in partnership with I&H Brown, to prepare the land at the Wester Moffat site for the planned start of construction in 2025. This work involves clearing the site of any obstructions, digging up earth and piling it to enable testing to be done to check the bearing capacity of the earth. Work has also taken place on the site to demolish the existing farmhouse on the property to make way for the new building. Read more here – Site of new hospital comes alive as preparatory work carried out
(from left) Donald Reid, NHS Lanarkshire Board non-executive director and Chair of the Board sub-committee that provides governance on the MRP; Colin Lauder, NHS Lanarkshire Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Planning, Property and Performance; Dean Molloy, from contractor I&H Brown
MRP 1:50s
Fiona Cowan
MRP Clinical Lead
What we’ve done
We are now reaching the end of stage 3 of the design reviews at 1:50 scale. A tremendous amount of work has gone into reviewing each room in the hospital (around 5000) to agree the spatial co-ordination and digital requirements for each. We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has given their time and experience to make these workshops a success. We are very grateful.
What we’ve got planned
Stage 3 of the design will be completed in September with a mop-up of any outstanding actions. We will then move onto the stage 4 of the 1:50 design reviews which will concentrate on the preparation of all information required to construct the new hospital building.
MRP Workforce Planning
Julia Kis
MRP Workforce Planning Project Manager
What we’ve done
We continue to engage with both clinical and non-clinical teams across the hospital to understand pressure areas and any service redesign which will impact on workforce going forward. Use of workforce planning tools, existing guidelines and professional judgement has enabled us to complete a first draft of the workforce plan for the project’s Full Business Case. We will continue to refine the workforce plan as more information becomes available throughout the process.
What we’ve got planned
We continue to arrange regular sessions with our Ward User Group to provide updates on aspects of the project such as migration and digital workstreams. This group has given us valuable feedback and enabled teams to progress with further planning. The next session will look into the duties involved in Property and Support Services and nursing roles within the ward to identify any gaps or additional tasks which have not previously been considered.
Other News
Check out our video highlighting the success of the MRP Summer School – class of 2024:
- YouTube MRP Summer School 2024
- Vimeo MRP Summer School 2024
You can keep up with the latest project news via our new website and please join us on our new social media channels on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.