Snapshot Report

May 2024

Patientrack alerting roll-out

Maureen McGinn
MRP Digital Lead

What we’ve done

Patientrack is continuing to roll out across wards in UHM after a successful trial coordinated by the MRP. Patientrack allows staff at the patient’s bedside to record patient observations on an iPad rather than a paper chart, creating a standardised electronic recording system. Patientrack provides a notable improvement in electronic compliance for a complete set of patient observations using the NEWS (National Early Warning Score) system, a tool that calculates an overall score from vital signs that are key to identifying, escalating and prioritising patient deterioration. This is part of the MRP’s exciting ambition to make the new University Hospital Monklands Scotland’s first digital hospital.


What we’ve got planned

Due to its success in improving patient safety, Patientrack will be deployed in a new ward each week and the new ‘alerting’ feature of the system will be utilised. This feature sends an automated message to the nurse in charge for any patient within the ward with a NEWS score of 7 or above which ensures the sickest patients are seen first. We are only the second hospital in Scotland to use this hi-tech system and new digital innovations such as this will help us in our journey to opening Scotland’s first digital hospital at the new Wester Moffat site.

Visit to Royal Liverpool University Hospital

Donna McHenry
Service Redesign Lead

What we’ve done

Members of the project team visited the Royal Liverpool University Hospital earlier in the month to learn about their experiences during the commissioning and migration stages of their project and to visit some of their more complex departments. Our team also took the opportunity to visit the “Immersive Suite” at the new Everton Football Club Stadium with our construction partner, Laing O’Rourke, to get a valuable insight into the various uses for this space.

What we’ve got planned

We will incorporate the lessons learned from our visit to Royal Liverpool University Hospital and implement them in the ongoing work to launch the MRP’s “Immersive Suite” at the existing UHM which will open later in the year.

MRP Community Benefits

Lesley Aitken
Community Benefits and Engagement Lead

What we’ve done

Summer School 2024 will take place during the week of 29 July – 2 August. This year’s focus will be on all aspects of Facilities Management (FM) in healthcare. We are developing a week of engaging and interactive sessions with our NHS Lanarkshire colleagues to help inspire our young people. Information on how to get involved will be with secondary schools across Lanarkshire in early June. 

Summer School Image Collage

What we’ve got planned

Our construction partner will host a Meet the Buyer event (mechanical/electrical) in July. More information will be available in the coming weeks.

Other News

You can keep up with the latest project news via our new website and please join us on our new social media channels on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

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